
On 14/10/10 17:26, Aitor Ardanza wrote:
Sorry for my explanation, but my level of English is not very good ...

I would need two textures, an original model and a modified one, which are 
applied to the model.

I assume you have the original texture (O) loaded from file.

Prerender RTT camera can take the original and modify it as you please to get a new texture (M). How you set up the RTT camera depends on what you want to do. If you modify per pixel values, a view aligned quad with output size the same as the input texture is the default way to do it.

Now you have 2 textures (O) and (M). For the next stage of rendering, e.g. osg main camera, these two textures are treated exactly the same. You can apply either one or both using multitexturing (see osg multi texture example) to any geometry you want.

If you want to save (M) as an image, do so in the RTT render callback.

If you applied (M) to your mesh/geometry and want to save the complete model (mesh+texture). Save that part of the scene graph to .osg or whatever format supports what you want.


Thanks for your patience!


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