Hi Mukund,

The OSG encapsulates almost all OpenGL functionality so for most OSG
apps there isn't any need at all to drop down to OpenGL.  The OSG uses
a very thin layer on top of the OpenGL, with naming conventions and
granularity kept.

It is also possible to integrate the OSG into existing OpenGL
applications which provide the context etc, and possible to integrate
OpenGL functions in the form of callbacks or subclasses from
osg::Drawable (for geometry) or osg::StateAttribute (for state).

One has to take care though as the OSG uses a lazy state updating
scheme to maximize performance by avoid dispatching unnecessary OpenGL
calls, this scheme means that you need to inform the OSG of any state
changes that you make in your code, and visa versa - any state changes
in the OSG you'll need to insulate from your own OpenGL code.

As for GLUT, it really should be consigned to history, I really really
really wouldn't recommend anyone use it for anything beyond it's
original design - very simple OpenGL 1.x era demos.  You can integrate
the OSG with GLUT, there is even an osgviewerGLUT example to show you
how, but I still wouldn't recommend going this route, it just hold
your application back.


On Sat, Jan 22, 2011 at 6:29 PM, Mukund Keshav <osgfo...@tevs.eu> wrote:
> Hello,
> im using OpenSceneGraph for the past 2 days. Well, i would be needing it 
> mostly for terrain rendering.
> i was wondering if i can use OSG with some low level gl functions?
> What i mean is,
> say im using OpenSceneGraph. Now i want to use some gl functions, can i use 
> both together.
> something like this:
> Code:
> /* Use gl functions, build the projection matrix */
>  ..
>  ..
> /* Now build the modelview matrix */
>  ..
>  ..
> /* Now i build some scene using OSG */
>  ..
>  ..
> /* gl functions to render */
>  ..
> Can i use this approach. i would like to use the lower level flexibility + 
> the ease with higher level APIs. Is this possible?
> This is exactly like the question asked here:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/osg-users@lists.openscenegraph.org/msg12497.html
> Thanks,
> Mukund
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=35897#35897
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