Hi Jason

Mines a little archos 43 tablet. Checked the site, no plans for a 2.3
release yet by the look of thing which is a shame. Well looks like there
might have to be some forking in any port for now. Perhaps two types of
viewer. One with native egl and one that requires a java template for
setting up egl for you.

The stl stuff is still a plus and I wounder what happens if I pull the egl
header and .so files into my version 8 sdk :)


On 28 January 2011 15:31, Jason Daly <jd...@ist.ucf.edu> wrote:

> On 01/28/2011 05:26 AM, Thomas Hogarth wrote:
>> Hi Jason
>> Never mind found it in the native-activity example. I also found this
>> thread
>> http://groups.google.com/group/android-ndk/browse_thread/thread/3c6dd147547ce056/b9d27d086990d1b1
>> It says you need a 2.3 device, hope it's not true as mine is 2.2 :(
> Unfortunately, all the docs I've read seem to confirm that.  You need an
> android-9 target for most of the new features.
> What phone do you have?  We've got a couple of Nexus One phones here that
> are still 2.2, but from what we've read, a 2.3 update is in the works for
> them.  I haven't heard of a hardware limitation in a 2.2 phone that would
> prevent it from being updated to 2.3 (just delays by the provider in getting
> the update out).
> --"J"
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