Hi Luc,

On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 4:03 PM, Robert Osfield
<robert.osfi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The current implementation is hardwired to place the shadow maps on texture
> unit 1.  I will be making to user definable.  I'll use a uniform is used to
> specify the texture unit is being used rather than using
> the searchAndReplaceShaderSource approach by some of the previous shadow
> techniques.

I have now cheked in support for user defined setting of the shadow
map texture unit via
ViewDependentShadowMap::setBaseShadowTextureUnit(uint);  The shader
supplied by this
technique doesn't implement any handling of multi-texturing itself so
it'll be up to the user to provide their own shaders to do this.

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