Hi Jordi,

@J-S I picked up your suggestions and I just added download->
tools/data/dependencies. About showcase menu item I already have a
similiar item in community->Derived Software, but if you feel it's worth
to have it in About I will go ahead with this change.

I don't have a specific preference on where the info should be, but I think there are two specific goals here:

1) Give links to any software based on OSG, so people who want to use nodekits or engines based on OSG can find them, this seems to fit Community - Derived Software

2) Promote the best OSG projects to show what OSG can do, I think this would be nice in About - Showcase

My motivation for number 2 is that in the past, I have had trouble convincing people that OSG was a good tool for the job. People were inclined to think game engines (Ogre, Unreal) or other scene graphs (Vega Prime) gave better results because there are clear examples of projects that have used those and got good results. So I think it's important to have a place where we can promote that OSG is a first-class graphics engine and can do all the really advanced effects when in capable hands.

A gallery and derived software section is not the right place for that, because we'll often want to list any/all projects there, whereas in a Showcase section we can pick and choose to try and put the best face possible for potential new users.

People who stumble upon OSG when looking for a graphics engine will probably look at the About section before the Community section, because they are first interested in whether OSG can fit their purposes, and realize the benefit of the large community later. So to make a good first impression, I think we need a section in About that will show what can be done with OSG.

Just my two cents,

Jean-Sebastien Guay              jean_...@videotron.ca
osg-users mailing list

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