Hello Houhouh (sorry if that isn't your name, but you didn't provide one

On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 10:27 AM, houhouh <houh...@163.com> wrote:

> 10-25 15:57:03.710: INFO/DEBUG(1732): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1
> (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 00000000

You haven't provided the ABI you have compiled for, but seeing that your
device has Tegra 2 SoC, I suspect that the crash comes from the lack of
support for the Neon instructions on it. These are similar to the SSE
instructions on x86, unfortunately they are an optional part of the ARM
specification, so not all vendors implement them. Nvidia chose not to and
thus Tegra 2 doesn't have them :( (however, the newer Tegra 3 does, go
figure ...)

You can solve this either by switching to the v5 ABI (armeabi instead of
armeabi-v7a in your Application.mk file) that doesn't use Neon or by
disabling Neon instructions and recompiling OSG again.

I believe this is actually documented in the Android part of the website


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