Jan Ciger wrote:
> Hello Houhouh (sorry if that isn't your name, but you didn't provide one ...),
> You haven't provided the ABI you have compiled for, but seeing that your 
> device has Tegra 2 SoC, I suspect that the crash comes from the lack of 
> support for the Neon instructions on it. These are similar to the SSE 
> instructions on x86, unfortunately they are an optional part of the ARM 
> specification, so not all vendors implement them. Nvidia chose not to and 
> thus Tegra 2 doesn't have them :( (however, the newer Tegra 3 does, go figure 
> ...)
> You can solve this either by switching to the v5 ABI (armeabi instead of 
> armeabi-v7a in your Application.mk file) that doesn't use Neon or by 
> disabling Neon instructions and recompiling OSG again. 
> I believe this is actually documented in the Android part of the website too.
> Regards,
> Jan
>  ------------------
> Post generated by Mail2Forum

i am sorry that didnot say it clear :

Android NDK: Building application 'local' for ABI 'armeabi'
Android NDK: Using target toolchain 'arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.3' for 'armeabi' 

i have compiled for ABI 'armeabi'. i followed the cookbook and commented " 
LOCAL_ARM_NEON := true" in PlatformSpecifics\Android\Android.mk.modules.in and
commented "armeabi-v7a"also in .mk file both in cmake build folder or 
osgAndroidExampleGLES1/jni/ Application.mk
So,did i disable the Neon instructions clean?

i used cygwin to build the whole work,and i used CMAKE commond as shows follow 
and NDK version is r7:

Now,the statuation is that the apk can run normally,NOT crashed at once.Then , 
it will crash anytime.The apk is unstatble for use.

i was disturbed by this bug for a month , thank you very much!

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