
On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 2:39 AM, wang xinyu <houh...@163.com> wrote:

> Hello,Jan
> i am sorry that didnot say it clear :
> Android NDK: Building application 'local' for ABI 'armeabi'
> Android NDK: Using target toolchain 'arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.3' for
> 'armeabi' ABI

OK, that should be all right.

> i have compiled for ABI 'armeabi'. i followed the cookbook and commented "
> LOCAL_ARM_NEON := true" in PlatformSpecifics\Android\Android.mk.modules.inand
> commented "armeabi-v7a"also in .mk file both in cmake build folder or
> osgAndroidExampleGLES1/jni/ Application.mk
> So,did i disable the Neon instructions clean?

Actually, if you are compiling only for armeabi, you didn't have to disable
Neon because armeabi doesn't support those instructions anyway. Only
armeabi-v7a can use them.

> i used cygwin to build the whole work,and i used CMAKE commond as shows
> follow and NDK version is r7:
> -DANDROID_STL="gnustl_static"
> -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/cygdrive/c/cygwin/usr/local/osgNOneon
Looks good to me.

> Now,the statuation is that the apk can run normally,NOT crashed at
> once.Then , it will crash anytime.The apk is unstatble for use.

Well, that can be a different issue. If the app starts and loads a model,
then you have resolved the ABI/Neon issues. For me it started up and
crashed the moment I touched the screen if the Neon was enabled on the
Tegra 2 tablet I have here (Acer Iconia 500). Once Neon was off and
everything recompiled, it works fine and stable.

I would suggest updating your NDK too, the latest is r8b. They often fix
really showstopper bugs, so if you are getting crashes with an unmodified
OSG example, that could help you.

> i was disturbed by this bug for a month , thank you very much!

You are welcome.

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