Thanks Wang Rui,

I had a look at the effectscompositor code but I wanted to start with something 
simpler at first so I went to your cookbook.

I followed the NVG example from chapter 6 of your cookbook in order to create a 
render to texture camera to write the scene to, then a hud camera to read from 
the fbo and write to the screen.  I think this is the basic framework that I 
need in order to proceed; now I think I just need to figure out how to create 
an OpenCL context using the existing osg OpenGL context so that I can operate 
on the RTTCamera's FBO before it gets read by the hud camera and sent to the 

I saw this post ( about 
creating an opencl context from osg's opengl context but it's a little vague so 
I'm looking now for a more complete osg OpenGL-OpenCL interop mode example (if 
such a thing exists)

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