Hi Daniel,

On 21 January 2013 11:44, Daniel Limberger
<daniel.limber...@hpi.uni-potsdam.de> wrote:
> Yes, I would like that. Can someone provide my openscenegraph account  with 
> the required rights or is there a special procedure of adding new content 
> there?

For code submissions we have a couple of writers to particular
portions of the OSG source code tree that are of there particular
expertise, and if your NodeKit looks appropriate to merge this might
be the way to go.  I haven't yet reviewed your project so can't say
how close it might be to being appropriate for merging as part of the
core OSG.  Not all NodeKits are appropriate for the core OSG, some
work best as part of the core OSG others work well outside.   Good
examples of vibrant external NodeKits/Projects are osgEarth and

> I'm not sure if i understand your question correct. osgHimmel makes no 
> assumptions of the node or terrain type it is used with, except that the 
> provided altitude should be within the atmosphere or is at ground level (for 
> now, i plan to change this). It further needs date, time, longitude, and 
> latitude.

Would it be possible to provide the date, time, long and lats during
the cull traversal?  This way if the application has multiple views
from different locations then the sky model can be set up correctly
for each.  If this isn't possible then buffering elements that need to
have specific location information would be required.

Integrating with an ECEF model would be ideal, lots of OSG users have
applications where whole earth models are used and viewpoints go from
within the atmosphere to outside it.  One needn't solve all these
problems right away, but you'd want to have a scheme where a the path
to support this would be possible.  For my idea sky model NodeKit
users would be able to enable the atmosphere for these world and then
let the NodeKit worry about the specifics of what to render for each
view that the viewer is running.  A viewer might be running on
multiple contexts, multiple views with multiple threads so one has to
code with this in mind.

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