robertosfield wrote:
> The PreserveDataType and AttribDivisor are entirely
> new and are intended to support new extensions being added to the OSG
> - but their implementation will have to wait till the GeometryNew
> refactor is further down the road.

This is great !

robertosfield wrote:
> Alternatively we just drop backwards compatibility and
> force uses to set the binding directly on the array.

I prefer this solution, sometimes changes are simply needed.

robertosfield wrote:
> The naming of Binding is something I'm note yet sure of, with the 
> introduction of AttribDivisor the binding becomes a bit less clearly 
> defined as well. Not sure what to make of this yet... 

Maybe a single parameter, something like "get/setRate", using an enum :

enum Rate
RATE_OFF=0,                      // Attribute is never emitted =>BIND_OFF - 
attribDivisor = 0
RATE_SINGLESHOT              // Attribute is emitted once =>BIND_OVERALL - 
attribDivisor = 0
RATE_PRIMITIVE_SET,         // Attribute is emitted at each start of a 
primitive set => BIND_PRIMITIVE_SET - attribDivisor = 0
RATE_VERTEX ,                   // Attribute is emitted at each vertex => 
BIND_VERTEX  - attribDivisor = 0
RATE_INSTANCE_0,             // Attribute is emitted at each vertex => 
BIND_VERTEX  - attribDivisor = 0
RATE_INSTANCE_1,             // Attribute is emitted at each instance => 
BIND_VERTEX  - attribDivisor = 1
RATE_INSTANCE_2,            // Attribute is emitted at each 2 instances => 
BIND_VERTEX  - attribDivisor = 2
RATE_INSTANCE_9,            // Attribute is emitted at each 2 instances => 
BIND_VERTEX  - attribDivisor = 9

Of course, user can do setRate(RATE_INSTANCE_0 + 25) to have attribDivisor = 25

robertosfield wrote:
> I have now completed the removal of ArrayData container and all slow 
> path support from GeometryNew. The size is now down to less than 
> 2/3rd the size of the original Geometry.cpp. The largest bloat left 
> is with helper functions for verifying and correcting bindings, but I 
> now believe these should be placed into osgUtil as helper functions 
> rather osg::Geometry so I'll likely remove these and the size will go 
> small still. 

Great work !

I have a question about immediate mode deprecation : does that mean the array 
dispatchers are no more needed ? Do the osg::geometryNew class set 
vertex/normal/textcoords... pointers directly on the osg::State ?

And about display list : I understand that it's too early to remove them, in 
some situations it's still usefull. But maybe it's time to use it per default ?

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