
On Wed, May 7, 2014 at 5:07 PM, Mickael Fleurus <mickaelfleu...@ymail.com>wrote:

> Hi,
>   I'm currently working with osgShadow, and it's driving me crazy! I'm
> really not an expert with shader and so on, but I try to make an
> omnidirectionnal shadow on my scenes, and I really don't know how to
> proceed. Every already implement way of making shadow in OSG aren't
> producing good shadows while using point light, except ShadowVolume, but it
> produce not only shadow, but also 3D geometry, and it's not what I'm
> looking for! I only want a realistic shadow, that work on large scene
> wherever the light is, and I don't find how to do it.
> I tried to build my own omnidirectional shadow map, using a cube map, but,
> obviously, I don't have the skills to do it on my own.
> Do OSG have a build-in solution that I may have missed? Is it even
> possible to do it easily? Am I really bad at OSG or is it really difficult?
> Please, help me, even a little, I'm stuck for too long and I don't like
> this.

I am using the view-dependent shadow map technique for large scenes, that
one worked best for me so far. However, that one allows only a single light
- light 0 is used for shadow casting. See the osgShadow example.

I am not sure what you mean by "omnidirectional shadows", though. Do you
want to have a shadows cast by multiple lights at the same time? The
techniques in OSG usually support only a single light (with a few
exceptions like the basic shadow map - but that one is not good for large
scenes). It would be very expensive to use something like view-dependent
shadow map with multiple lights, as each light needs its own shadow map and
a rendering pass too. These techniques are mostly used for things like
rendering shadows cast by the Sun and as there is only a single Sun, the
one light limitation is not really a big problem.

What exactly are you trying to achieve? There isn't a single shadow
rendering technique that works for every scenario, unfortunately.


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