[quote="Trajce Nikolov NICK"]Hi,

if your shadows are moving with the camera, then you are using the default 
viewer lighting mode which moves the light with the camera. Try setting the 
viewer with no light ( viewer->setLightingMode(osg::View::NO_LIGHT); ) and set 
your own LightSource in the scene that you can position yourself. Here is 
snippet from my app that might help:


                _sun = new osg::LightSource;

then you position _sun->getLight() with zero (0) for the last argument in 


Thank for your answer, but, the thing is, I need my light to be a point light. 
It cannot be a directionnal light or a spotlight. Indeed, it work with a 
directionnal light. But not like I need it to work. But thank you to have took 
the time to respond me.

I need a light that cast light in all direction, and shadow that correspond to 
the position of the light.

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