G'day Alex - its been a few things for me...

Fun - I have listened to the sound of my own voice for the first time in
many years...and that's been funneee...
Difficult - to find the quiet uninterrupted time after seeing children and
dogs off to bed...barking occurs at all hours around our home as our
teenagers come and go in the wee small hours
Challenging - I've learned how to use the software and mic - wonders never
Interesting - how to read the words so that others will be engaged by what
they hear
Connecting - deepening the sense of community with others who are sharing
the task
Gratitude - to yourself, Harrison, publisher and others who have made this
possible with such generous spirit
Spiritual - contributing to the spreading of the practice of peace around
our planet - a fine mission indeed

I too wonder how others have found it....


At 04:18 PM 03-05-2004, you wrote:

I wonder how it's going for the audio book readers out there. I've heard
from some people that have finished their reading, and from some who are
still working on it.

How is it going? Is it fun/difficult/challenging/interesting/boring? Any

I'll keep a status overview at
http://www.positivesharing.com/journal/00000412.htm to show how far
we've come, and to put subtle pressure on those who haven't yet
completed their reading :o)

To everybody who's finished reading, please hang on to the files for
now. I'm awaiting instructions from the publisher on where and how to
upload the files.



www.arbejdsglaede.nu - 27. maj 2004
Danmarks første konference om arbejdsglæde

Alexander Kjerulf

+45 2688 2373
Arena, Norrebrogade 14B, 1. sal
2200 Copenhagen N.

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