
My recording is finished, waiting further instructions.   As others have
mentioned, the software was very simple to use--and I was pleased by the 
quality from the super-simple system.

I got up that morning with hay fever and very little voice (and I needed to
record that day, as I had several days of travel ahead.)   So, I practiced
pressing the pause button and clearing my throat off-mic!   Stopped to clear my
throat about halfway through, and started reading again without hitting the
record button.   But what I had sounded fine, so I backtracked a bit and 
the rest, and my son helped me trim and splice the two segments together.

I had some frustration about learning the technical pieces, but they turned
out to be quite simple--and nothing is more fun than discovering I can do
something new!

The reading was fun and challenging--all those lovely LONG sentences--and
like Brendan, I was curious about how to make a recording that will be clear and
interesting for the listeners.

It just delights me that a group of volunteers around the world--none of us
really knowing all the pieces of how to do the task--could organize and record
a book in a couple of weeks (I know that David will be spending more time
;-)   Watching that process unfold was as exciting as the finished product!   My
husband has been saving a lot of the Listserve correspondence on this into a
file, as a case study of self-organization at work.

Thanks, Alex, for the idea of how to do this, and for stepping up to take the
leadership--thanks for setting the stage for all this fun and learning!


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