Hi, all -


I'm traveling a bit lately so my emails may be a bit sporadic on this


My richest learning comes from being face to face with people of other
countries and cultures. 


So I make it a goal to try to attend the one international Open Space on
Open Space gathering each year if possible.  It is not possible every year
for me - often it is simply a case of economics.  


One of the reasons I created the whole concept of Access Queen is to help
people who are of lower incomes / less resources to try to get to these
annual international gatherings.


(For those of you who may be newer to the list, Access Queen was created at
OSonOS 2001 in Vancouver, Canada - it arose out of two sessions where some
of us shared thoughts about how to help each other and others like us - and
may I add others delightfully not like us - get to the annual international
OSonOS if we had the passion and personal responsibility and creativity and
dream to do so.  Access Queen is a project where people who have extra to
share name it, contribute it and offer it.  People who have the need for
just a wee bit more in order to get to the OSonOS identify it, ask for it,
believe in it.  For example someone who registers at a local hotel can buy a
room for two instead of one and offer that room share for free for someone
who needs it.  Hosts of each international annual Open Space can offer a
special discounted registration price specifically for Access Queen "Askers"
coordinated through Access Queen project that year.  Askers raise almost all
their own money for travel may just need someone at the conference to take
them out to dinner so they too can join in the evening social events.  And
so on.)


One of the things about access is sharing.  Another is the idea of shifting
things around so even though in one year some folks cannot come, perhaps in
another year they can.


One of these shifting around things is the idea of moving the annual
international OSonOS across the seas each year - shifting it around the
world so that some different kinds of folks each year will find it easier to
come for this international experience.


That also, to me, underlines the world stewardship of Open Space that we all
share - this global community of learning, facilitation, practice, support
and co-leadership across the world.


I had the pleasure and honor of attending the international annual OSonOS
that you hosted, Michael Pannwitz, in Berlin, just a few years ago - 2000.
It was fabulous.


I was surprised that you were offering it so soon again, and also surprised
that there was a firm decision made at the 2008 OSonOS.  You see, in 2005,
at the international OSonOS in Halifax, invitations were made to bring the
next OSonOSs to San Francisco, to Israel, to Scotland.  I know you were not
in Halifax, Michael P, though the fabulous Michael P the Younger was there.


Again in 2006 I invited the international OSonOS to San Francisco - though I
was not physically in Moscow I was there in spirit and my face was there, I
believe, on a sign that was included in the most amazing Wendy Farmer
O'Neil's inviting the community to San Francisco on my behalf (as Brian B
and I once did in 2003 - we invited the community to Goa, India on Janet
Pinto's behalf).


Whether these offers are still 'in the mix' is something to be discussed, I


My own offer still stands, though which year it happens is up to the
community and open to discussion. Whenever it happens will be the right


It's all good.


I just thought you all would enjoy hearing some of the other offerings in
the circle for hosting the annual international OSonOS.  For whatever years
to come.  Planting seeds, as it were.


>From a chilly Berkeley, California, USA (and soon to be facilitating for a
bit in rainy New Orleans, Louisiana - I guess I'll have to bring a
waterproof Mardi Gras mask - okay so I'll look wet.but festive.)





L i s a   H e f t

Consultant, Facilitator, Educator

O p e n i n g  S p a c e

 <mailto:lisah...@openingspace.net> lisah...@openingspace.net

 <http://www.openingspace.net> www.openingspace.net 





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