Thank you Chris, I get your point. Very clear. I agree with you now.

Thanks for taking the time to explain.


At 07:12 23-10-2012, Chris Corrigan wrote:
Koos...for me the law of two feet is about passion and responsibility. If you care about something, take care of it.

Paul may have felt that he was "taking care of it" when he produced his critiques of the event in London. Possibly. But my experience is that many people are comfortable just being in their passion about something - sometimes just ranting - and fail to join in, support, improve, help out or otherwise make a responsibility based offering to the situation at hand. While i appreciate criticism and am perfectly capable of wrestling with ideas - and in this case I even pointed out that there is much merit in Paul's observations - I nevertheless would invite consideration of the fact that if someone is sitting through an open space event and not offering responsibility, that the criticism has the feeling of being sniping from the sidelines while failing to take up the invitation at hand and it's hard to work with that. That is all.

A some level, love it or leave is also always an option, but that isn't what I'm talking about here. I'm looking for a more nuanced response from a practitioner that is clearly very familiar with the dynamics of Open Space and self organization and wondering what he did at the event to use his own power to create the experience he was looking for.

He may have done something, but as I read it, he stayed for whole thing and then wrote a fairly detailed critique of the whole experience.

So.   Hmmmmm.


+1 604 947 9236

On 2012-10-21, at 3:22 AM, Koos de Heer <<>> wrote:

Hi Chris,

I am not sure I understand what you mean when you say that the law of two feet applies. If it means as much as "This is Open Space, love it or leave it," I feel compelled to say that I don't support that.

Of course I can walk out of a session if I am feeling that I am neither learning nor contributing. But if I have the idea that the Open Space gathering as a whole could use improvements in the way it is run, referring to the law of two feet can become a way to evade a discussion that needs to take place. It can take place at a later date, which is what is happening now and that is fine.


Op 20 okt. 2012 om 21:23 heeft Chris Corrigan <<>> het volgende geschreven:

The critique in the article is fine. And the subsequent link Phelim sent along is fine too. Paul's tone is a bit jarring and his argument isn't helped by making a lot of generalized statements. Also he critiques WOSonOS in a way that makes it hard to separate his critique if the event from a critique of the team, even though he later clarifies that he wasn't critiquing the facilitator. It's tricky to make a forceful and powerful critique without it seeming personal.

My response to these posts is that Paul is right in substance. In general my take in things is that the Law of Two Feet applies. If you are not learning or contributing find some way or some where that you can. That's what makes things better. Obviously expecting others to change the way the way a process seems too dependant on them is rational madness.

Harvest Moon Consultants

<>Art of Hosting - Participatory Leadership and Social Collaboration<>, Bowen Island, BC
<x-apple-data-detectors://21>November 12-15 2012

<>Art of Hosting in Faith Based Communities<>, Salt Lake City, Utah
<x-apple-data-detectors://22>November 28th - December 1, 2012

On 2012-10-20, at 5:09 AM, "<>" <<>> wrote:

Just spent a delicious three days co-learning with Peggy Holman here in Perth then I read this -
So, what's possible now?

take care out there

0421 475 252
skype: alanhalford

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