Thanks Adriana!

It could be a wonderful cultural protocol if everyone agrees to it. If everyone has been invited and accepts such a protocol. Asking for a moment of silence can often calm things down when they're getting too heated, and I've been in a number of circles where such a protocol has been adopted and really helps. I can imagine having some bells and singing bowls available for session conveners to bring to their circles as an optional facilitation tool to invite silence when someone in the circle senses the need. It sounds like it could be a wonderful helpful tool in some communities - and I can imagine in the Peace Center - it might be very welcome. I plan to offer it as something to think about to our team.

At the post Open Space meeting yesterday where we debriefed the event, there was a participant who noticed that there was not enough listening in the circles he had attended. I had witnessed one of the circles, and I noticed the same thing. Not enough listening. My sense was that if I had really meditated enough before the event - as Harrison so strongly recommends - I could have helped bring more spaciousness. That's my best sense of what could have helped. And I also sense that this participant had a *lot* to offer in helping to bring an awareness of the need for silence. He doesn't need it to come from the facilitation team. He can help teach it. In any case, I'm very grateful he has been invited to participate in the organizing team for the event when we hold it again next year.

And I can also see where this need for silence can be abused.

At the World Open Space on Open Space in London in 2012 - I was in a circle and waiting patiently in a somewhat heated circle for some space to speak. I had been quiet for some time, until finally there was the slightest pause. The moment I opened my mouth, someone came from another session that I believe was entirely silent the whole time. I think they had only written their thoughts on paper. One of the participants came out of that session, burst into ours, and flashed a "QUIET" sign a foot in front of my face! It was so intense, I felt the need to leave the building just so I could calm down. I hope I never see such behavior again - and I certainly don't want to do anything to encourage such behavior of silencing people.


On 6/15/15 2:10 PM, Lourdes Adriana Diaz-Berrio Doring wrote:
Harold: In some groups where I participated, but it was not Open Space it was a workshop with some ritual we had a talking stick and also a bowl. When some one needed silence they took the bowl and the meaning of this is that they where asking everybody to wait in silence...until they let the bowl in the middle of the circle again. I don;t Know if this is appropriated in an OS circle, in any moment. Some people like and appreciate silence and other people have a very hard time with it. When I was teaching at university the feedback of the students was like this
"Teacher I just loved yous dinamics, yous should do more of them!"
In the same group I received another feed back
Teacher I hate the dynamics, why did you do so much of it!"
Thanks for the links that Herman sheared with us!

Harold Shinsato <>
twitter: @hajush <>
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