> Osmand is now at least in Europe disqualified as a car navigation since id
> doesn't have any information about traffic and other navigations (such as
> Google, HERE or Waze) can guide you much better. Still Osmand is great for
> bike or hiking. But not usable for cars because the very slow rendering and
> the lack of traffic information.

FWIW, here in Montreal my experience (with my wife giving me Google's
route recommendations while I rely on Osmand and local knowledge of the
usual traffic patterns) is that traffic info is overrated.

It might be helpful when you know how to combine it with your own
knowledge of the usual traffic patterns, or if you're in an area you're
not familiar with, or when there's something really unusual going on,
but in most cases I find Google's route is between worse and no-better
than the one I ended up taking or that I would have taken.


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