On Thursday, 13 September 2018 21:54:10 UTC+2, OA wrote:
> Thank you, Majka.
> I have OsmAnd 3.1.5, released 2018-08-10 on my phone and there is no 
> TryFirst item between Touring view and UniRS. Should I try something else 
> instead?
I do sincerely hope you are just kidding.

Read this <https://groups.google.com/d/msg/osmand/Dd2fz3Edpqg/Asq57xI2CAAJ> 
message again. Read it aloud and repeat it as many times as you need to 
understand what you should be doing. If this doesn't help, read several 
times the last sentence from here 

You can grab the missing file here 

Do not come back until you can show me a screenshot of the mentioned 
folder, where you have both the default.render.xml and TryFirst.render.xml 
files inside. 

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