On Friday, 14 September 2018 21:13:54 UTC+2, OA wrote:
> On Thursday, September 13, 2018 at 2:56:20 PM UTC-7, Majka wrote:
>> On Thursday, 13 September 2018 21:54:10 UTC+2, OA wrote:
>>> Thank you, Majka.
>>> I have OsmAnd 3.1.5, released 2018-08-10 on my phone and there is no 
>>> TryFirst item between Touring view and UniRS. Should I try something else 
>>> instead?
>> I do sincerely hope you are just kidding.
> No, I'm not. There is no reason for me whatsoever to make anything up 
> here. I'm interested in finding solution.
> If I said, that I removed default.rendering.xml to make sure that I'm 
> using OsmAnd's default rendering file, I mean it. If I said, that I see 
> route track wider, than street road, I mean it too.
> Do not come back until you can show me a screenshot of the mentioned 
>> folder, where you have both the default.render.xml and TryFirst.render.xml 
>> files inside. 
> If I said, that I have only two files in rendering folder, I mean it. See 
> RenderingFolder.jpg attached.
> If I said, that my OsmAnd has version 3.1.5 released 2018-08-10, I mean 
> it. See OsmAndVersion.jpg attached. If you have different version of 
> OsmAnd, that could easily explain why we see different results. What 
> version do you have?

What do you see if you try to switch the renderer? I cannot understand why 
you shouldn't see the renderer. You did say you had used your old one, it 
simply stopped working. Well, I have corrected the missing line inside. 
There shouldn't be any other change. I could understand if the renderer 
wasn't working, but not that you cannot even see it.

I am using nightly version, but this means nothing for you. When you try to 
switch the renderer, there is no check against the contents of the file, it 
does check only what files do exist in the folder. 

You have confirmation here 
<https://groups.google.com/d/msg/osmand/Dd2fz3Edpqg/f7z1AS2nBQAJ> that it 
works with standard installation and this is what you have on your phone. 

I am ready to give up.

Last try:
Take a screenshot of the settings with your data folder (Settings > common 
settings > data folder)
Take a screenshot of the map styles as described here 

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