Sorry about the typo:

If  you  agree  that  it was occupational therapy, how can you justify
that  estim  to the digit extensors in prep for functional reaching in
which  the  patient's  goal  is  to  reach  for  items  easier, is not
occupational therapy.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tue, 28 Oct 2008 8:46 pm
Subject: Re: [OTlist] Best Practice

Ron> But   I  think  calling  such  focal   treatments   occupational 
Ron> therapy,  is  not consistent with our history, framework, payers,
Ron> patients and outcomes.

I'm not sure what history you are talking about, but we were primarily
created  from  a  mental health framework, in which "occupations" were
utilized  for a  mental therapeutic  response. This mental therapeutic
response  could be argued to be a "body segment", this being of course
the  brain.   These  "occupations" used to create a mental therapeutic
ressponse  were arts and crafts.  Clearly not the same occupations you
are defining.

Not  sure which framework you are talking about, because the framework
in  which I have states that we should focus on the body functions and
structures  that  impede function.  In fact, AOTA has endorsed the use
of  physical  agent  modalities  through  a position paper a number of
years back.

So  in  your case study, in which the goal for the patient was to make
it to the toilet.  Was that specifically occupational therapy when you
worked  on  standing  tolerance and ambulation the entire session?  If
you  agree  that it was occupational therapy, how can you justify that
estim  to the digit extensors in prep for functional reaching in which
the patient's goal is to reach for items easier.  The patient wants to
be  able  to  reach easier for the following self identified goals for
treatment  a)  self feeding efficiency b) dressing efficiency c)social
greetings.   If you do not agree that what you did in your session was
not occupational therapy how can you ethically bill for the service?

Chris Nahrwold MS, OTR



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