On Thursday, October 09, 2003 11:10 AM
Neil Gow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The line:
>> $Self->{ViewableStateType} = ['new', 'open', 'pending reminder'];
> made no difference unlocked, pending reminders still appeared.  Tried
> :
>> $Self->{ViewableStateType} = ['new', 'open'];
> and they disappeared, great.  But when the pending time was exceeded
> they did not reappear in the Queueview?

That's the intended behaviour, only 'new' and 'open' tickets are shown
now. From Defaults.pm:

# PendingAutoStateType
# (used for pending states which changed state after reached pending
# see http://yourhost/otrs/index.pl?Action=AdminState -> StateType)
$Self->{PendingAutoStateType} = ['pending auto'];

A setting of:

 $Self->{ViewableStateType} = ['new', 'open', 'pending auto'];

Should show new, open and 'returning' tickets.


Robert Kehl

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