Hello Dan,

> Do you know where I could get some detailed information on how to
> install OTRS in a already running server. I've initially installed on
> a test server, using a Debian distro. But now the system must go into
> production to a windows 2003 server, which has got its own apache2,
> supporting Subversion . I'd like to get OTRS running without getting
> into trouble with my CIO. 

There will soon be an FAQ describing in great detail the manual
installation for W2K3 with IIS and MSSQL 2005. The problem is that the
intallation is very lengthy when done manually. We reccommend using the
installer, deactivating IIS services before executing the setup package.

Afterwards, you can manually deactivate MySQL and Apache. Then you have
to create a DB in MSSQL and a Virtual Web in IIS. (Make sure that your
MSSQL is setup to use SQL Authenticaiton).

IIS in version 6 you must allow unknown CGI's to run. And you must
describe the .pl file to the IIS. Seen in 


Your Config.pm must be modifyecd as seen in:


I hope this short info helps to tide you over.


 Shawn Beasley

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