
Thanks for quickly answering my questions. I have one more that I hope
you can help me with.

> > Also, when there is a new ticket and I click on "empty answer" under
> > "Compose Answer (email):" I get the following error:
> >
> > --------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > Software error:
> >
> > Modification of a read-only value attempted at
> > /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/i586-linux-thread-multi/Net/DNS/Question
> > .pm line 47.
> This is a bug oin a PERL module.  The quickest way to work around it is to
> turn off the feature that checks for an MX record for an email address
> before it sends an email.  If you turn that on, the PERL module with the
> bug is not called.
> The module is Net::DNS and the bug is in version 0.60.  If you can upgrade
> it to version 0.62 you'll be okay on this.
I'm not familiar with upgrading perl modules because I'm not much a
perl programmer. Can you give me the command to upgrade Net:DNS to
version 0.62?

- Jake
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