Hi Garabed,

You'll need to make sure your crontab is working. Reading this
document will help you understand how jobs are entered in the crontab.
Log into your Ubuntu server command line as the OTRS user using telnet
or ssh (I use putty which is great
http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html )
Once logged in type the following command to edit your crontab;

crontab -e

This will bring up a text editor that allows you to add entries to
your crontab which will be executed by the Cron daemon. The text
editor used depends on what your default text editor is set to. I
believe Nano is the default and works more or less like notepad in
windows but you need to press Ctrl-o to save (writeOut) and Ctrl-x to
Add the following line to output the date and time every minute

*/1 * * * * date

Save the file and exit the editor.

Check if cron is running using the following command

/etc/init.d/cron status

If cron is not running start it with the command

/etc/init.d/cron status

If it is running it is no harm to restart it

/etc/init.d/cron restart

Cron will normally log to the syslog file. You will want to watch this
log file to see that it runs your date command in the next minute.
Use the following command to clear the screen and then watch the
syslog file for new entries;

clear; tail -n 30 -f /var/log/syslog

Th above command clears the screen then shows the last 30 lines of the
file /var/log/syslog and forces it to stay open.
The next time cron runs you should see the log entry pop up at the
bottom of the list.
To exit the tail view of the syslog hit Ctrl-c

Let us know what you get in your syslog for cron and that will confirm
whether or not it is working correctly.

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