By MVC here I'm clearly talking about ASP.NET MVC, not the pattern.

My point is that there is a huge barrier to entry to presentation patterns such 
as MVC, MVP and MVVM - that if Microsoft was to adopt these as the only way to 
develop Web and Client apps, we wouldn't be as successful. There is a huge 
market of developers (mainly web based) under what we call the 'breadth 
developer' that would be excluded by these advanced concepts. Hell if you'd 
told me just over 9 years ago (years before I joined Microsoft) that I needed 
to learn not only this new thing called .NET but also this pattern called MVC, 
I would have turned and run. I would have probably stayed with ASP (which what 
I was using at the time), before long moving to something like similar like 
PHP. While now I can look back at my naivety and realize now that there is a 
whole better way of developing software, I really think that developers need to 
come to that realization themselves, and not have it forced down their throat 
by someone else.

(As a completely unrelated note, one of the original crew on WebForms sits down 
the hall from me - part of me wants to walk into his office, grab him by the 
collar and say 'What were you thinking?!!!')
From: [] on behalf 
of David Connors []
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2010 9:12 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: ASP.NET Web Forms vs MVC vs ...

On 19 March 2010 13:44, David Kean 
<<>> wrote:
Truthfully, if MVC came before WebForms,

It did by a significant margin - but just not on .NET. That kind of underscores 
the point that people are adopting it because it is new (at least in their 
minds) - or perhaps ready made on .NET.

people wouldn't have flocked to the .NET platform like they did. There was a 
reason that WebForms was so successful - it mimic'd the existing drag and drop 
paradigm that VB6 developers were used to.

Or in otherwords, web forms was an exercise in marketing rather than good 
engineering. []

David Connors (<>)
Software Engineer
Codify Pty Ltd -<>
Phone: +61 (7) 3210 6268 | Facsimile: +61 (7) 3210 6269 | Mobile: +61 417 189 
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