On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 4:27 PM, Paul Stovell <p...@paulstovell.com> wrote:

> >> As a completely unrelated note, one of the original crew on WebForms
> sits down the hall from me - part of me wants to walk into his office, grab
> him by the collar and say 'What were you thinking?!!!'
> Although I personally came to dislike the Web Forms model, I do think it
> was innovative and an idea that deserved to be tried, and I'm sure the
> people who worked on it were very smart. Even bad ideas deserve a chance to
> see if they float

Go on then; feel free to describe exactly all the issues with that you are
calling the "web forms" model.

>From quick read I did here :
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/015103yb(VS.71).aspx I have no real
issue with it (it's not saying, for example, business logic goes in X area,

> - that's how we learn. I think the only mistake was waiting this long to
> absorb the thinking of other communities and to try something different.
> Paul



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