> Gday dotnetters,
> Ever since I switched to vb.net i find im using Modules more and more,
> rarely creating classes, particularly at the entry point into a few utility
> console apps im working on. This definitely feels wrong, is it just bad
> design? Should i be learning OO design again?
> As an example say Im rewriting msbuild or similar tool, i can see myself
> just creating a single method in a Module and that'l be it. Is that bad?
> what if it is all i need? Should i create a class with a single Run method?
> Seems overkill....
> Look forward to some responses, perhaps Im hungover :)

>From here : 

It seems that modules are just some sort of static-method-like thing.
And while I completely disagree with the example in that blog post,
for a VB.NET programmer that may be useful. I agree with his
conclusion: do it if it feels good.

Regarding writing an application that consists entirely of a "Run"
method. Well, sure, if it only does one (very short) thing. But when
it starts to do more you'll naturally end up with a nicer design as a
result of implementing it correctly.



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