
Over the years, there have been some discussions on this, eg Joel Spolksky
at - and Microsoft does have some words in
several places (I haven't chased them up). 

Erik Meier's explanations might be worth looking for. 

The joelonsoftware discussion is from 2006, and goes into the VB6/VBA
origins of the idea of modules. 

A module is just a class where Shared is implicitly understood for each
member, and the module name does not need to be supplied when the members
are used. 

I'd agree that classes should be used, and to your approach to immediately
delete the Module1 when a VB.NET project is first created. 

I would guess (Bill McCarthy would know better than I) that the CLI is
ignorant of Module because the compiler transmogrifies to classes or
equivalent. It's often said that Module was a kludge or aid and inducement
for VB6/VBA people to transition to VB.NET. 


Ian Thomas
Victoria Park, Western Australia


From: []
On Behalf Of Greg Keogh
Sent: Sunday, 6 June 2010 3:19 PM
To: 'ozDotNet'
Subject: RE: Modules or classes


Hi Tom, is it quiet in here or is my email on the fritz?


"Modules" were weird and unclear abstractions in the old VB days that
irritated and confused me. They still do, so whenever I make a new VB
project I delete the Module and I create classes. I'm probably biased here
because I come from a C/C++/Java background in the 90s. I'm a bit rusty on
this, but can VB boffins confirm that a Module is similar to a static/Shared
class of methods, but you see an unqualified "flattened" view of what they
contain? Can someone also confirm that the concept of a Module is
meaningless to the CLR?


I'd run with your feeling on this that Modules are "wrong". My console apps
always have a class with a static/Shared Main method, which seems natural to
me, not overkill.





Ps. I recommend that you put all of the core functionality of what your apps
do into a library and consider the Console app just a thin wrapper around
that functionality. That way you can create Forms apps, services, etc that
wrap the functionality.


Pps. No coding over 0.05 or with a hangover.

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