On 6/25/10, Tiang Cheng <tiang.ch...@staff.iinet.net.au> wrote:
> I have some pretty awesome KPIs
> 1)      Deliver on project A by Feb
> 2)      Deliver on project B by March
> 3)      Deliver on project C by May
> 4)      Fix all bugs assigned in a timely manner
> From a business perspective, they don't care how many bugs/LoC I create, or
> how many youtube videos I watch.  As long as the work gets done, I'm
> performing. I like this measurement system because it's simple, clear and
> easy to know when I'm performing, or when I'm not.

Agreed (well, with the general goal of meeting quoted times).

The hardest thing about this style is it must account for changes in
the projects. But I do agree, it's by far the superior approach.

> Tiang



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