This is going to cause a few mad Friday tangents….

If you have ever worked on a sales performance recognition system that
allows for any flexibility beyond the total of who sold how much in dollar
terms when, you will have seen that there quickly starts to be manipulation
of the input data to affect the recognition outcome (rewards).

e.g. look at all the sales people who are running around just now to meet
their end of financial year goals, where the sales will be quietly credited
back into the system at the beginning of the next financial year!

If sales people (who have a far lower average IQ) than programmers can
manipulate the system to meet their personal goals, what are programmers
going to do?

But I would also say, if you cannot measure it, you cannot manage it!

But take care with your stats, statistics show that far more people die in
hospital than in the community as a whole, so if you are sick, you should
avoid going to hospital!  WRONG!  (for the sales people in the room, the
reason more people die in hospital is because it has a biased population,
sick people, who have a higher probability of dying)

Have fun on Friday

Greg H

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