On 7 September 2010 11:48, Matt Siebert <mlsieb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have a relatively simple page that processes PayPal Instant Payment
> Notification (IPN) messages.  Basically, PayPal just POSTs a bunch of
> variables to this page which contains logic to process the order (i.e.
> generate serial numbers and email them to the customer).  It seems that the
> page is intermittently receiving only a subset of the variables, and it's
> the same subset each time.  I've confirmed that all the variables are being
> sent to PayPal correctly so it looks like the problem is either that PayPal
> isn't sending all the variables (seems unlikely), or my website isn't
> receiving them all (i.e. problem in IIS / ASP.NET).
> I'm a total IIS / ASP.NET novice, and I was wondering if there is anything
> in IIS or ASP.NET that could cause this?
> My page has some logic to iterate through Request.Params and write these to
> a database so I can see what was received - clutching at straws here, but
> are there any synchronisation issues with Request.Params? - i.e. I'm
> assuming that when Page_Load() is called, Request.Params is fully populated.
Is your site 'live'?  Could be someone's trying to scam it.


"Going to Starbucks for coffee is like going to prison for sex. Sure, you'll
get it, but it's going to be rough" - Adam Hills

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