On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 5:40 PM, Paul Stovell <paul.stov...@readify.net> wrote:
> Hi Silky,
> I think in some ways you have to experience it - the proof is in the
> tasting. But here are some things I like about it that work even for small,
> local teams.
> 1.       How many times did you make a small change, then delete it and try
> something else, only to realize that you didn’t check in during that time
> since it wasn’t “ready” to share with the team? Since most of your
> interaction with source control is just to your hard disk, you’re more
> likely to use it. On my current project with Mercurial I’m averaging a
> commit every 10 minutes – lots of small changes.

Never. I don't ever try the wrong thing.

Seriously though, as I said to Joseph, I agree this is a legitimate
benefit, and I like it.

> 2.       How many times have you done an SVN update/TFS “get latest”, tried
> to merge, made a mistake, and lost changes in the process? With Mercurial
> that doesn’t happen –it forces you to commit your local changes first, then
> merge them with the server changes. If it fails, you can roll it back and
> try again until you’re successful – you never lose changes.

This I've legitimately never done. Merging with SVN is pretty nice, at
least I think so. You just go around resolving conflicts. Not so
tough. Don't disagree that it could be better, but I don't think there
is an issue here particularly.

> 3.       Merging in DVC’s works fantastically. By comparison the merging
> approaches of TFS and Subversion are broken. To even use a DVCS you’re using
> branching and merging, since the server and your local machine are entirely
> different repositories. In TFS and SVN, branching and merging is a scary
> concept only used in the most dire of circumstances.

Broken how?

> Those advantages apply in the most connected corporate environment – when
> I’m forced to use TFS I wish it had better support for these three features.
> Prior to using Mercurial I just accepted that the way SVN made me work was
> fine, and the occasional loss of code or busted merge was a fact of life.
> Now I find it frustrating to work with TFS/Subversion and sometimes wonder
> if a folder full of “copy of …”.zip files would be more effective J
> There are other advantages to do specifically with open source projects –
> for instance, instead of sending a patch, people can put their repository
> online to share with others, and you can cherry pick the changes you want
> from them. The patching system really fails once a patch gets a little old.

Right, I'm not interested in these, and neither are the majority of
small enterprises, I would venture. I don't deny it's a benefit, and
it's a good one, but not one that I care about.

Anyway, I do appreciate these comments, and I may actually take a
look, having been slightly convinced.

> Paul



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