|Full screen apps are a sudden paradigm change.  I mean ... I am running MSN
|Messenger at 2560 x 1440 and I can fit about 15 messages on the screen. And
|have to keep switching back and forth between work and GigantorMessenger to
|see what has most recently been said. WTH.

I think full screen is a step backwards. In mail for example I can't have
two emails open, side x side. In calendar when I go to schedule an
appointment I can no longer see my calendar. Docking is set to 320 px to
make layout easier for developers but things like mail will now require the
actual content providers to design  the content to be less than 320 px
wide... even mobile web pages have more space ;)

The sooner metro goes to hybrid the better !

By hybrid I mean allow metro apps to run in sizeable windows, allow new
navigation screens to be popups (modal or not). Ideally the developer should
just have to set a couple of attributes and the same metro app that runs
full screen could easily switch to running with/in windows

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