Biggest issue is that Skype (the real version) might not come to WP7.x

Nick Randolph | Built to Roam Pty Ltd | Microsoft MVP - Windows Phone 
Development | +61 412 413 425 | @btroam
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-----Original Message-----
From: [] On 
Behalf Of Bill McCarthy
Sent: Thursday, 21 June 2012 2:28 PM
To: 'ozDotNet'
Subject: RE: Windows Phone 8 announced

Personally, I got out of my last contract early as soon as the Lumia 800 was 
released. If I had known then what I know now, I wouldn't have done that. I 
expected the updates to continue to flow. What really grinds at me is Microsoft 
most probably knew internally about the proposed change then, and when they 
launched the Lumia 900.

Yes contracts here are typically 24 months. I feel sorry for those people who 
purchase a Windows Phone today/yesterday/the day before, or even tomorrow (if 
they don't get the warning of no update).  The apps that are currently missing 
from Windows Phone, the ones people thought might come to it, probably never 
will now. Screwed.

|-----Original Message-----
|From: [mailto:ozdotnet- 
|] On Behalf Of David Kean
|Sent: Thursday, 21 June 2012 2:13 PM
|To: ozDotNet
|Subject: RE: Windows Phone 8 announced
|(This is my own opinion, please do not confuse it with Microsoft's, or 
|as representing Microsoft's. While I contribute code to Phone 8, I 
|don't work
on the
|team, and am not privy to why behind their marketing/engineering 
|Take a step back, how many years do you really think it will actually 
|Phone 8 apps to become more prevalent than the Phone 7 apps? How many 
|of you will have already replaced your phone by then?
|It's been a while since I've owned a phone in Australia so I don't know 
|works there, but in the US everyone gets a new phone every 18 - 24 
|months (depending on if the carrier lets you upgrade early), by the 
|time Phone 8
|released, and has enough apps to worry you, you'll already be at the 
of a
|new upgrade cycle.
|-----Original Message-----
|From: [mailto:ozdotnet- 
|] On Behalf Of Bill McCarthy
|Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2012 9:03 PM
|To: 'ozDotNet'
|Subject: RE: Windows Phone 8 announced
|Seriously ?   Is that the new Microsoft policy, just dump old customers ?
|see they said 18 months of updates in regards to windows 8.
|For me, I see Windows Phone as something that's evolving, and thought, 
|and expected it, just like the iphone does, bring customers along with 
not just
|abandon them every three years or so (well last time it was three years
|The sad part is I can't honestly tell people they should buy a windows
|today. And it's a paint to have to tell them, yes last week when I said 
buy a
|windows phone that was all we knew, now we know your phone will be 
|obsolete come September.
||-----Original Message-----
||From: [mailto:ozdotnet- 
||] On Behalf Of David Kean
||Sent: Thursday, 21 June 2012 1:45 PM
||To: ozDotNet
||Subject: RE: Windows Phone 8 announced
||I don't why the unhappiness, clearly you were happy with the device 
||bought it, why do you care that a newer device sometime in the future 
||-----Original Message-----
||From: [mailto:ozdotnet- 
||] On Behalf Of Bill McCarthy
||Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2012 6:48 PM
||To: 'ozDotNet'
||Subject: RE: Windows Phone 8 announced
||Now I'm really grumpy...  My lumia 800 isn't that old, but now 
|it is :(
|||-----Original Message-----
|||From: [mailto:ozdotnet- 
|||] On Behalf Of David Burela
|||Sent: Thursday, 21 June 2012 4:52 AM
|||To: ozDotNet
|||Subject: Windows Phone 8 announced
|||For anyone interested, I put my rough notes online of the Windows 
|||8 announcement.
|||Some highlights:
|||*    Shared core between Windows 8 & Windows Phone 8.
|||*    New user definable tile sizes (like Windows 8). Can now have 1/4
|||mini tiles to give it more flavour.
|||*    A new "company hub" that corporate IT can display apps and deploy
|||their internal servers.
|||*    Support for new high resolution screens (720p)
|||*    Existing device aren't upgradeable to 8.0, but existing devices will
||get a
|||7.8 update that will give some of the features, such as the new tiles.
|||-David Burela
|||Regional Technical Evangelist

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