Reminds me of my kids. They constantly turn off powerpoints to save
power (even ones you were using!!) and then they sit there with the
airconditioner running full. :)

Your right tho. I'm not going to not get my new phone just because
people are starving. I donate money to people who are doing something
about the starving people, so I can feel ok about buying the new

Oh, I also forgot to mention that the starving people all have shiny
new phones too. LOL
Ironic eh?

On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 1:19 PM, Bill McCarthy
<> wrote:
> Yep I was referring to the Redmond syndrome, re " Is that the new Microsoft 
> policy, just dump old customers". Actually the .NET team hasn't been so bad 
> on this (there was that recent back step over the express editions of VS 12 
> ;) ).
> Microsoft Kin anyone ??
> |-----Original Message-----
> |From: [mailto:ozdotnet-
> |] On Behalf Of David Kean
> |Sent: Thursday, 21 June 2012 3:02 PM
> |To: ozDotNet
> |Subject: RE: Windows Phone 8 announced
> |
> |Always consider me as “not speaking for Microsoft”.  Feel free to tell me 
> that I
> |might have been over here too long and suffer from the Redmond syndrome[1]
> |and don’t know how real customers use our product, but don’t make me use a
> |personal account. I’d never read this alias. :)
> |
> |
> |
> |Over here the phones are practically free[2] – I picked up HTC HD7 from 
> Amazon
> |(with contract) for $50.
> |
> |
> |
> |[1] We have a name for this internally, which has skipped my mind.
> |
> |[2] Un a manner of speaking of course, I clearly pay via my contract, but 
> even if I
> |bring my own phone, I save very little.
> |
> |
> |
> |From: [mailto:ozdotnet-
> |] On Behalf Of mike smith
> |Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2012 9:41 PM
> |To: ozDotNet
> |Subject: Re: Windows Phone 8 announced
> |
> |
> |
> |On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 2:13 PM, David Kean <>
> |wrote:
> |
> |(This is my own opinion, please do not confuse it with Microsoft's, or as
> |representing Microsoft's. While I contribute code to Phone 8, I don't work 
> on the
> |team, and am not privy to why behind their marketing/engineering decisions)
> |
> |
> |
> |:)
> |
> |
> |
> |I'd comment on a gmail account were I you...  If I was commenting officially 
> on
> |HP matters I work with, I'd use my HP domained email.
> |
> |
> |
> |       Take a step back, how many years do you really think it will actually 
> take
> |for Phone 8 apps to become more prevalent than the Phone 7 apps? How many
> |of you will have already replaced your phone by then?
> |
> |       It's been a while since I've owned a phone in Australia so I don't 
> know
> |how it works there, but in the US everyone gets a new phone every 18 - 24
> |months (depending on if the carrier lets you upgrade early), by the time 
> Phone 8
> |has released, and has enough apps to worry you, you'll already be at the 
> start of
> |a new upgrade cycle.
> |
> |
> |
> |America seems to have more carrier locked and subsidised phones.  Now we can
> |buy them like that here, but it seems to work out better buying the phone
> |separate from carrier.
> |
> |
> |
> |
> |       -----Original Message-----
> |       From: [mailto:ozdotnet-
> |] On Behalf Of Bill McCarthy
> |       Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2012 9:03 PM
> |       To: 'ozDotNet'
> |       Subject: RE: Windows Phone 8 announced
> |
> |       Seriously ?   Is that the new Microsoft policy, just dump old 
> customers ?  I
> |       see they said 18 months of updates in regards to windows 8.
> |
> |       For me, I see Windows Phone as something that's evolving, and thought,
> |and expected it, just like the iphone does, bring customers along with them, 
> not
> |just abandon them every three years or so (well last time it was three years
> |       ago)
> |
> |       The sad part is I can't honestly tell people they should buy a windows
> |phone today. And it's a paint to have to tell them, yes last week when I 
> said to
> |buy a windows phone that was all we knew, now we know your phone will be
> |obsolete come September.
> |
> |
> |       |-----Original Message-----
> |       |From: [mailto:ozdotnet-
> |       |] On Behalf Of David Kean
> |       |Sent: Thursday, 21 June 2012 1:45 PM
> |       |To: ozDotNet
> |       |Subject: RE: Windows Phone 8 announced
> |       |
> |       |I don't why the unhappiness, clearly you were happy with the device
> |       |when
> |       you
> |       |bought it, why do you care that a newer device sometime in the future
> |       |is
> |       coming
> |       |out?
> |       |
> |       |-----Original Message-----
> |       |From: [mailto:ozdotnet-
> |       |] On Behalf Of Bill McCarthy
> |       |Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2012 6:48 PM
> |       |To: 'ozDotNet'
> |       |Subject: RE: Windows Phone 8 announced
> |       |
> |       |Now I'm really grumpy...  My lumia 800 isn't that old, but now
> |       |apparently
> |       it is :(
> |       |
> |       |
> |       ||-----Original Message-----
> |       ||From: [mailto:ozdotnet-
> |       ||] On Behalf Of David Burela
> |       ||Sent: Thursday, 21 June 2012 4:52 AM
> |       ||To: ozDotNet
> |       ||Subject: Windows Phone 8 announced
> |       ||
> |       ||For anyone interested, I put my rough notes online of the Windows
> |       ||Phone
> |       ||8 announcement.
> |       ||
> |       ||
> |       ||Some highlights:
> |       ||
> |       ||*     Shared core between Windows 8 & Windows Phone 8.
> |       ||*     New user definable tile sizes (like Windows 8). Can now have 
> 1/4
> |       |sized
> |       ||mini tiles to give it more flavour.
> |       ||*     A new "company hub" that corporate IT can display apps and
> |deploy
> |       |from
> |       ||their internal servers.
> |       ||*     Support for new high resolution screens (720p)
> |       ||*     Existing device aren't upgradeable to 8.0, but existing 
> devices will
> |       |get a
> |       ||7.8 update that will give some of the features, such as the new 
> tiles.
> |       ||
> |       ||
> |windows-
> |       ||phone-8-announcement/
> |<
> |%0d%0a||phone-8-announcement/>
> |       ||
> |       ||-David Burela
> |       ||Regional Technical Evangelist
> |       ||Infragistics
> |       |
> |       |
> |       |
> |       |
> |       |
> |
> |
> |
> |
> |
> |
> |
> |
> |
> |
> |
> |
> |
> |
> |--
> |Meski
> |
> | <>
> |
> |
> |"Going to Starbucks for coffee is like going to prison for sex. Sure, you'll 
> get it,
> |but it's going to be rough" - Adam Hills
> |
> |

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