Page turns on the Kindle app slide the page in the turned direction. Not a
bad experience.
Page turns on the Google Play (when reading ebooks) gives a nice page furl
slide animation. Really nice, slick and not overdone. This reader is my
favourite but the books you get on Google seem to differ to Amazon. More
novels, less technical books I think. I could be wrong. Google also seems
cheaper a little.
Page turns on Safari Online app. Atrocious. When reading online it
downloads the page (what no preloading?) and takes a second or two.
Annoying. If you download the book and read it in offline mode, I found
that turning pages will turn two pages at a time and it does it too fast.
You dont know if you changed one page or more. Not happy with this app,
which is a shame because of the number of books I can read on Safari
Online. Wish they would fix this. (have reported to them as a bug).

PDF reading is also nice in the built in Adobe (I think I might have
installed their app). has continuous mode (vertical scrolling. no thanks)
or single page, similar animated slide like Kindle. Still prefer Google
Play reader. I'm sure there are others. soooo many others. Thats a plus,
you have choice. (mind numbingly confusing to despair choice.)

On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 3:25 PM, mike smith <> wrote:

> On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 3:41 PM, Ian Thomas <>wrote:
>> Does anyone use a Nexus 7 tablet as an eBook device?
> Yes, I use it for 'American' published account (its difficult to change
> between Aussie and US accounts)
> Its a comfortable size to hold.
>>  I can’t imagine it could compare with Kindle or other e-Ink devices in
>> extremes of ambient light
> Why?  It probably isn't good for full sun, but that's a bad reading
> environment anyway.  It beats e-Ink stone cold dead when reading in the
> dark. :)
> Also, I like the faster page-turn you get with Nexus 7 and non e-Ink
> devices.
> – but I would be interested in comments.****
>> ** **
>> ------------------------------
>> **Ian Thomas**
>> Victoria Park, ****Western Australia********
> --
> Meski
> "Going to Starbucks for coffee is like going to prison for sex. Sure,
> you'll get it, but it's going to be rough" - Adam Hills

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