On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 7:23 AM, Craig van Nieuwkerk <crai...@gmail.com>wrote:

> ASP.NET WebAPI seems to be the new hotness. I don't have much experience
> with WCF, but everyone I talk to says it is too heavy and complicated.
> WebAPI tries to simplify things.

WCF is a bunch of bullshit. People who use it just do so for the sake of
adopting some shiny new technology - it is just pointless middleware for
the sake of it. I don't understand why it exists anyway - as if we are some
day doing to need to re-platform off tcp any time soon.

If I needed to do a lot of IPC stuff today I'd just use rest/json like
everyone else on the Internet. If you want to do something screaming fast,
use protobufs. If you want to do an intermittently connected app then use
some sort of message queuing framework/system or roll your own. I don't
know why a common API needs to sit on top of a bunch of unrelated use
cases, doing none of them very well.


David Connors
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