I must be getting old too Greg. Your rants are starting to make sense. I'm
even nodding my head as I read.

I've said it before, they invent this stuff faster than anyone can learn
it. Lets hope its heading in the right direction. For the children's sake.

On Sat, Feb 2, 2013 at 7:15 AM, Greg Keogh <g...@mira.net> wrote:

> Folks, I'm pleased to see that other people here are irritated by the
> number of choices we have for communication and by the complexity of WCF. I
> was also pleased to see someone else was bewlidered by having WebAPI buried
> inside MVC and found a way of starting with a managable skeleton project.
> Luckily I can delay my confusion over using WCF or whatever else is trendy
> this week, as the core working code of my service is actually inside a
> neutral DLL. I can write and test this code totally independly of how it
> will be published, then later I can wrap it in thin code to publish it in
> whatever ways I want. That will give me time to fiddle around with Web API.
> Overall though, I'm getting utterly fed-up with the number of
> technologies, kits, standards, languages, scripts, dependencies,
> conventions, platforms, etc. Every month I get the MSDN magazine posted to
> me and I dread opening it to see how many dozen new acronymns have been
> invented and discover how all of my old apps are obsolete because there is
> a new and better things to do it.
> I must be getting old too, as I pine for the previous decades of
> programming where there was less choice and everything just goddamn worked
> and was documented. Now I spend whole days futzing around to try something
> out or desperately searching the Internet for clues on an incomprehensible
> errors. There was a time when you could feel good as being a well-rounded
> programmer with good general knowledge. These days it's practically
> impossible to be well-rounded in every significant aspect of programming
> without experimenting and studying 18 hours every day and skipping eating
> and bathing. It's like trying to understand every working part of a Jumbo
> Jet. Instead of converging and stabilising in modern times, software
> development is disintegrating into a jumble of parts, of which many are
> nearly duplicated, conflicting, poorly documented, unstable,
> overly-complex, inter-dependent and multi-versioned. I'm finding that the
> joy of computer programming is being sucked out of me week by week. The
> thing that sh*ts me most is what came out of the discussion weeks ago about
> how there is no single reliable way of writing multi-platform software. To
> do that you have to be boffin of C#, C, C++, JavaScript, Java and all of
> their supporting kits.
> Oh well, back to Silverlight 4 coding this morning ... and that's nearly
> obsolete already!!
> Greg

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