Apparently the .NET remoting documentation has been removed and you have to
hunt around in the archives for it now (I haven't looked myself), so that's
probably a hint about being out-of-date. However, I have a sentimental
feeling for remoting as we have an intensely used client-server app out
there that will have its 10th birthday later this year, so by the date you
can tell it started in Framework 1.0 with Remoting. A newer app from last
year uses WCF and despite the extra work it gives us no particular
advantage and it works just the same. If don't need all the hyped
flexibility and generalisation that WCF give you then it doesn't contribute

If you just want two .NET app ends to talk over tcp or pipe with minimal
configuration or code bloat then remoting is still viable. I have a tiny
utility project with minimal remoting server and client classes that I
throw into a project if I quickly need two things to communicate. However,
there is little need for it lately as loading stuff into an AppDomain and
talking via a proxy is easier, and guess what ... it uses remoting
internally to talk between AppDomains. So remoting isn't dead, it's just
gone into hiding.


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