I suspect the Office Ribbon wouldn’t have passed the "The Level 1 Helpdesk 
Test" either – but Office hasn’t been a ‘fail’.  And I am sure that most of the 
initial ‘issues’ with Windows 8 will pass in time as users learn it’s nuances.
Sometimes people have to make some effort to move out of their comfort zone, 
embrace change and learn something new instead of expecting everything to be 
obvious.  The first time someone sits behind the steering wheel in a car, it is 
not very intuitive on how to use the clutch to change gears, or to even start 
the engine.  Almost everyone needs to be taught how to drive a car – does that 
mean that a motor vehicle is a ‘fail’?
Everything I have read about why Windows 8 is a ‘fail’ seems a bit emotive and 
most of the problems listed are very easily addressed with a little research 
and learning.  I suspect that safely driving a motor vehicle requires more 
effort, learning and concentration than what is required for Windows 8.  If you 
can’t cope with Windows 8, please avoid driving a car anywhere near me or my 
family. ☺
Just my 2c worth and I am most definitely not trying to offend anyone.


From: ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com [mailto:ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com] On 
Behalf Of Ken Schaefer
Sent: Thursday, 9 May 2013 2:49 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: RE: Is Surface really failing?

Caller: "Hello. I can't find my Windows desktop"
Helpdesk: Press the Windows Key and the letter D at the same time

Caller: "No, I can't see my start menu."
Helpdesk: Press the Windows Key

You should try managing server 2012 via RDP sometime. It really is just 1 pixel 
in the bottom left which is nearly impossible to click on unless your RDP is 
full screen.

What do you need on the Start screen on Windows Server 2012?


From: ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com<mailto:ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com> 
[mailto:ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com] On Behalf Of David Connors
Sent: Thursday, 9 May 2013 2:13 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: Is Surface really failing?

On Thu, May 9, 2013 at 1:58 PM, David Burstin 
<david.burs...@gmail.com<mailto:david.burs...@gmail.com>> wrote:

I am neutral about Windows 8, but what I do find annoying is that when people 
voice their opinions they get labeled as 'haters'. While it's a convenient way 
to dismiss other people's concerns, what you are basically saying is "this 
doesn't bother me so it can't be legitimate and therefore only reason you are 
saying it is because you are a troll/hater". Not a great basis for a productive 
discussion imho.
I agree. I have this game I play as a part of mentoring people working for me 
on usability. I call it "The Level 1 Helpdesk Test". Whenever I see something 
that is batshit crazy, I ask them to run it past The Level 1 Helpdesk Test 
which involves:

  1.  Sitting at your PC pretending you're on level 1 helpdesk.
  2.  Imagine you've just answered the phone and someone is ringing up about 
the feature you've just shown off.
  3.  Imagine the conversation with that person as you describe how to use the 
Windows 8 fails the level 1 help desk test in style.

Caller: "Hello. I can't find my Windows desktop"
Helpdesk: "Can you see a picture of Seattle or a mountain with desktop written 
on it?"
Caller: "Ummm... no, I think ... I can see a picture of Julia Gillard and the 
weather in Paris, but I'm in Brisbane. Should I click on the purple box about 
Victoria Beckham?"
Helpdesk: "No, keep looking for a box with desktop written on it in tiny 
Caller: "Oh, I've found a flower with desktop written on it."
Helpdesk: "That's your desktop. Click on that. BTW it is a flower today but it 
might be a mountain or seattle tomorrow."
Caller: "That's better, I can see Windows now."
Helpdesk: "Is that all?"
Caller: "No, I can't see my start menu."
Helpdesk: "Oh, you were just at the start menu."
Caller: "The boxes with Victoria Beckham?"
Helpdesk: "Yes, that's it."
Caller: "Where is it?"
Helpdesk: "It is in the bottom left single pixel of your monitor."
Caller: "What's a pixel?"
Helpdesk: "Nevermind, just move your mouse to the bottom left and you'll see a 
start menu pop up."
Caller: "Oh, I see. But when I move my mouse over the button it disappears."
Helpdesk: "Oh, you're not meant you click on it, you just move your mouse to 
make it appear and then click on it without actually moving your mouse over it."

etc etc etc

Fkn fail.

Don't even start me on the Charms "Nothing can be shared right now" bar.

You should try managing server 2012 via RDP sometime. It really is just 1 pixel 
in the bottom left which is nearly impossible to click on unless your RDP is 
full screen.

What did they do in previous versions of Windows?

Helpdesk: "If you want a document or program, click start."
Caller: "Thanks!"


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