On Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 8:40 AM, Scott Barnes <scott.bar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I had not known that stat but based on their other stats it doesn't
> surprise me ..
> Until now Flash has been a strong force in the casual gaming scene but
> since adobe announced its discontinuing work on this it will probably
> create more share for unity

[ ... ]

> I will say this though if Microsoft can't backfill XNA with their own
> gaming engine the is unity3d that natural choice or is it a case of acquire
> (which I doubt they will sell) or beat? Which already puts them way behind
> in adoption?

I thought the funding figures for Xamarin were interesting. They have 6 mil
in cash but also got a recent funding round of 16 mil. I don't know what
the equity dilution was for that 16 mil nor why you need it if you cash
spend the cash you have but ... they are a very strategic asset for a
number of companies. I have no idea why no one has bought them yet. As for
doubting Xamarin or Unity would sell ... every man has his price. Spending
500 mil on Xamarin would get MS a lot better return than 7bln for the
bottom half of Nokia's corpse.

As for XNA ... it is irrelevant. YOu sould have to have rocks in your head
to invest in it. Great idea for 2001 but in 2013 it would cripple your
revenue as a game dev. Unity gives you one code based across
PC/iTard/Android and apparently Sony is on board in a big way for indie
games on the PS4.


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