I call that model "write once, debug everywhere"

On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 10:18 PM, Joseph Cooney <joseph.coo...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I like the 'compile for all' idea. I guess you can do that with portable
> class libraries....a bit. But it could be much much much better than that.
> Step 1. - > buy MONO....not the product, the company
> Step 2. -> Buy/build something that lets you suck in an iOS project or
> Android project, convert it to MONO, and re-target it on all the platforms,
> including windows phone
> Step 3. -> every time something ships on iOS/Android it ships for WP8 and
> maybe Win8 too
> we could call it 'write once, run anywhere'.....
> On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 11:52 AM, Scott Barnes <scott.bar...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Last night at TechEd i was asked twice about the future of .NET etc usual
>> rants.. but in both cases I was also asked "How would you fix all of this"
>> style questions. It got me thinking and I dunno, here's my actual response
>> to that question but I'd also be curious to see how you all would navigate
>> out of this should you be "In charge" of it all?
>> - Tooling. Offer .NET developers a smarter approach to their deployment
>> strategies. Instead of forcing them to abandon WPF through variety of
>> Namespace or "Adopt HTML5 or go away" thinking, instead take a page out of
>> the gaming / phonegap style solutions and offer them the ability to compile
>> for both old and new via tooling. Given not much has changed in terms of
>> developers executing on their "Apps" (forms, dashboards, blah blah) theres
>> really no added benefit to Windows8 Style development vs WPF other than
>> touch API's and *maybe* async support and/or Win8 Store targeting...
>> - Design <-> Developer Design Tool. Blend was rushed, poorly thought out
>> and had a terrible monetization projection(s) attached (MSDN killed Blend's
>> funding). The problem hasn't gone a way its just amplified further by
>> abstracting designers further away from the developer <-> designer
>> workflows. I'd restart the Blend tooling problem but i'd break the problem
>> into 3 different lenses (Screen Size/Layout, Binding, Styling and Theming).
>> I'd focus on establishing a tool that acts as conduit / bridge to products
>> from Adobe, Maxon (c4d), Autodesk and so on.
>> Imho I think if you focused on both of these two core issues you could
>> unblock a lot of stalling around platform adoption within the Microsoft
>> ecosystem ... that being said I see none of the above leadership from
>> Microsoft today and i'm not convinced so far we will unless its "adopt win8
>> or get lost" mentality (5-10yrs from now may hold some water assuming
>> ubiquity occurs in win8 and projects being built today start sunsetting
>> whilst at the same time developers adopt and secure their futures through
>> Win8 learning(s)).
>> Agree? have better idea?
>> ---
>> Regards,
>> Scott Barnes
>> http://www.riagenic.com
> --
> w: http://jcooney.net
> t: @josephcooney



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