Cool figures


From: []
On Behalf Of Nathan Chere
Sent: Wednesday, 29 January 2014 2:40 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: RE: [OT] Raid 0


For a dev machine I think it's overkill. Using one of our main applications
at work as the test case to justify a move to SSDs, times for running the
unit tests (times averaged over 5 runs of each) were:




1x magnetic drive with everything on one drive: 3:42 

1x SSD with everything on one drive: 0:54

1x magnetic drive (OS), 1x SSD (documents/project files/etc): 0:52

1x magnetic drive (OS), 1x SSD (documents/project files/etc) with temp
folders, paging file etc on SSD: 0:44

2x SSD (one for OS, one for documents/project files/etc): 0:33

2x SSD (RAID 0) with everything on one drive: 0:31


RAID 0 has its place when disk access is a major bottleneck (eg video
production, music studio workstations, high volume database server etc) but
for a software development it's pretty wasteful when you get near-enough
indistinguishable performance by having the two drives running separately,
plus double the storage space and only risking half as much data if one of
them fails.

PS: those numbers are from last-gen SSDs (read/write around 250/200Mbps) so
I would expect the performance of a single current-gen SSD (around 500/400)
to be even closer to the two drive configurations making a RAID 0 setup even
harder to justify.

On 29 January 2014 15:30, Ken Schaefer <> wrote:

RAID0's usually used for speed, when you don't care about protecting the
underlying content (e.g. it's ephemeral or you've got it protected somewhere
else). I think SSDs have eliminated the need for RAID0 on most single user





From: []
On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, 29 January 2014 1:27 PM
To: 'ozDotNet'
Subject: [OT] Raid 0


Anyone using raid 0 for their dev machine?   I have a raid card with 4
drives and deciding on whether to use 2 drives in RAID 0 and 2 drives in
Raid 1



Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland 


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