RE: DOM manipulation.

Here's a (intro and) comparison between DOM manipulation jQuery and React

On 26 August 2015 at 10:03, Bec C <> wrote:

> +1 for Greg's comments. Coming from a sql background I found it relatively
> easy to jump into c# and .net but my jump to JS wasn't so smooth
> On Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 9:55 AM, Greg Keogh <> wrote:
>> I hope this is my final essay on JavaScript (and so do you!). In summary,
>> a few weeks ago I volunteered to write an in-browser script driven demo app
>> which is simply a navigation stack of 4 screens. Angular is so currently so
>> trendy I spent several hours attempting to learn and use it, but due to
>> lack of an IDE, no debugging, no guidance, the custom terse syntax and
>> complex dependencies I gave up (then I learn it's being rewritten in
>> TypeScript anyway). I've expressed my anger at the 'zoo' of uncoordinated
>> and competing JS libraries.
>> I spent all of yesterday optimistically studying and trying TypeScript,
>> as the familiar IDE and structure seemed ideal for someone from a
>> C++/Java/C# background. Given my belief that the JS world is really
>> chaotic, my overall conclusion is:
>> *TypeScript is organised chaos.*
>> I was reminded of moving from C to C++ 20 years ago. C was so freeform
>> you could write spaghetti. C++ helped you write object oriented modular
>> spaghetti. Just like that, TS is trying to tame the JS spaghetti and make
>> it feel OOPish and respectable to people with my background, but it's still
>> just putting a wedding gown on a pig.
>> The good news is though, that once I eventually found guidance on how to
>> organise multiple TS source files, how to use module { } like namespaces,
>> when to use the <reference>, and why you use --out to concat files, then TS
>> is probably the least worst option I've seen so far for writing large JS
>> apps. At least you will finish up with organised modular chaos.
>> So you might be able to tame JS with TS, but we are still stuck with the
>> cumbersome DOM and jQuery. While trying to give my web page app behaviour I
>> had to have jQuery reference web pages continuously open so I could
>> remember the arcane and inconsistent syntax to do the simplest things like
>> toggling visibility or setting text or class attributes. This isn't really
>> a JS related problem, but I find manipulating the DOM from JS and jQuery
>> tedious beyond endurance.
>> In fact my endurance is exhausted. I will not write the demo and have
>> commissioned someone else to do it. They write this sort of thing for a
>> living, so I look forward to learning how they do it. I've learnt a lot in
>> recent weeks anyway and have decided that for future work like this I will
>> use TS and jQuery because they're the least worst (for now), and the rest
>> of the JS ecosystem can go to hell.
>> *Greg K*

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