
You can just add aurelia to the head and be done and started just like
Angular(1) albeit your productivity will be slow.

Your issues sound to me like saying I can just open Notepad and start
coding my C# project. Why would I install Visual Studio?
Why would you install Nuget or MSBuild or System.Web.Optimization libraries
to bundle JS files? You installed them all as part of Visual Studio, that's
the only difference.
- node.js is like .Net framework (that comes these days as part of Windows)
- gulp is msbuild
- nuget is npm and bower
- System.Web.Optimization is like jspm + nuget
- Yeoman - I have no idea, I haven't installed or used that
- systemjs is not required, it's a nice to have to make things easier to
load and do the bundling/dependency resolving to avoid you to "just add
another .js file to the head". You can keep doing that and not need
systemjs. Kind of the .Net BundleCollection on steroids.
- Babel - don't know, didn't use it.
- TypeScript - it's an awesome option that compiles down to JS directly
without Babel. You really want to use this unless to avoid writing JS.
Typescript looks and feels like C# instead of JS.
Again, it's optional but heck, I hate JS

You can get prepared startup projects for VisualStudio with none of the
above odd tools:
Clean, .Net solution with couple of JS files.

Side note> Angular1 requires a massive amount of work to get anything
working and get a project more than a simple demo of the ground. Angular2
has a hard to read syntax. How am I supposed to make the difference between
(click) and [click] and {click} and what each does?

Look, I totally hate JS and I only started to use these tools myself last
week, I also found the confusing at times and all have funny names and
can't figure out why there are configurations for requirejs, amd, system,
systemjs and 4 other loader libraries or what are the differences between
them but heck, after few days of work I got something cool working, and a
great UI that I tried to build before in Angular and I hated myself every
day I had to learn some random new awkward behaviour, directive, service,
provider, filter ...

I found Aurelia to rock in design and simplicity compared to Angular and
found it fast to learn and apply.

Just my 2 cents.

On Wed, Sep 9, 2015 at 2:24 PM, Thomas Koster <> wrote:

> On 9 September 2015 at 13:18, Corneliu I. Tusnea
> <> wrote:
> > Compared to Augular2 Aurelia simply rocks and it's so dead easy to
> > setup.
> Aurelia looks interesting, but a quick scan through "Getting
> Started" [1] reveals that you need the following to, ah, get started:
> - node.js for the entire toolchain,
> - Gulp to build,
> - jspm or bower for front end package management,
> - Yeoman for scaffolding,
> - systemjs for client-side DI,
> - Babel, CoffeeScript or TypeScript for "compiling" to browser-
>   compatible ES5/JavaScript.
> I have none of these things installed, yet I can start a new AngularJS
> project today by simply adding angular.js to my html head.
> Do you mean something else by "dead easy to setup"? All this sounds
> exactly like the JS ecosystem hell that Greg K meant.
> [1]
> --
> Thomas Koster

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