It's not just Victoria. The QLD government IT projects 9ver recent years
have also been rolled gold catastrophes

On Wed, 23 Oct. 2019, 11:24 am Greg Keogh, <> wrote:

> Interesting front page article in The Age newspaper today
> <>
> about a Victorian government IT disaster. IT disasters are routine (I'm
> sure we've all caused a few!) but it's interesting that they actually name
> the software as VIEW from a company called Civica. The article is a bit
> vague about what's actually wrong, it just says "[it] doesn't work", "the
> system was absolute chaos" and systems are not "talking to" their
> computers. Does anyone have inside gossip about what really happened?
> There was another vast IT disaster a few years ago related to the
> education system I think, where dodgy contracts were being awarded to
> mates, and I think the loss ran into the hundreds of millions. That story
> vanished from the news and I never found out what happened.
> *Greg K*

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