I agree there has to be re-educating the women and the public that intervention is not always the best way to go!
and that people have to have a little more faith in themselves and their body.
Many thanks and with regards to all
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2002 5:53 PM
Subject: Re: slogan for NMAP

In a message dated 20/06/02 1:04:36 PM AUS Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Dear friends

All these ideas are interesting, but I want to remind you that it’s not about doctors.  The doctors have a monopoly of maternity service funding because the system is wrong, not because they themselves have done anything wrong per se.

Midwives and doctors need to work together.  Understanding professional boundaries is basic to getting a service that is safe and effective for the mothers and babies of our society.  One of the reasons we have such high rates of intervention, and surgical births in this country is that our midwifery profession is not autonomous, and is severely restricted. 

So I don’t have a slogan on the tip of my tongue, but I won’t support anything that polarizes the two professions.

Joy Johnston

Hi all,

fantastic Joy.....couldn't agree more. The NMAP is a plan from Australia's women on what they want in birth reform....lets be woman centred here in our approach, ignore the doctors, ignore the midwives and put women and their 'push for birth reform' on the agenda!!!!! This is one of Joy's slogans from a way back - I think its simple, effective, and can be used beautifully in the context of the NMAP - as a consumer led, political action for birth reform in this country....

The NMAP - Australian women's 'push for birth reform' !!!

My two bobs worth....
Yours in birth,

Tina Pettigrew
Bachelor of Midwifery Student and Independent CBE
Convenor, Aust B. Mid Student Collective.

" As we trust the flowers to open to new life
               - So we can trust birth"

Harriette Hartigan.

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