"Ultrasound - More Harm Than Good" - One of the best articles about this issue...
Marsden Wagner
There's no reason to perform ultrasounds as a routine in  pre natal care.
There's no benefit on this routine procedure, and that has been stablished by the Cochrane Library.
There are many diseases that are been followed in newborns that can have to do with serial ultrasounds in pregnancy.
So... ask this obstetrician to get up to date with that...
Ric (that never asks for Ultrasounds unless there's a medical need, or the patient asks. In this situation, I explain her the harms of that exam, but let her choose what to do)
----- Original Message -----
To: list
Sent: Friday, September 06, 2002 9:47 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Vaginal ultrasounds

There is an obstetrician in Perth who routinely performs vaginal ultrasound in his rooms before 12 weeks gest.  Is this an accepted practice and what would the reasons be for such a practice? MM 

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